1. How do you feel about college? If you have kids or siblings - will you encourage or require them to go? How long did you go and what for?
I went to College. I spent 4 years to get a 2 year degree. I do not work in a field that has anything to do with my degree. My degree was planned so I could be a stay-at-home-mom and only work part-time. Well with a divorce under my belt I am now soul provider of my household, so I had to find something that would provide for us. I would like my daughter to attend college but it is up to her. I don't regret college even though I still have loans. I think it is a good learning experience.
2. Pink or purple? Coke or Pepsi? Pen or pencil? Cursive or printing? Ketchup or mustard?
Can I choose Diet Dr. Pepper? well that is my choice
Pen, but I go through pencil phases.
Oh so very much MUSTARD!
3. If you could live in any generation - which one would it be?
I like the really olden days. Petticoats and big poofy dresses. Only if I could be a lady though. I wouldn't want to live as a commoner.
4. What do you sleep in?
A BIG t-shirt and panties.
5. Repeat question - summarize your week!
It was a good week. Finally getting over this stupid sinus infection. Nearing the end of girl scout cookie time! YEAH! I am sooooo sick of GS Cookies. If you need any let me know I still have 26 boxes in my car.
My sinus infection is finally going away too...YUCK!
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